Archaeological artefact illustration, traditional and affordable

Archaeological artefact illustration

Archaeological artefact illustration is a traditional way of representing diagnostic and artefacts of interest in an archaeological report or publication.

The artefacts are inked by hand using line and stipple techniques on sheets of drafting film, which once dry can be scanned in and produced in various digital formats and scales.

As a standard, Vindomora Solutions use 75 micron drafting film, usually cut to fit A3 or A2 depending on the client’s needs (and the size of the artefacts to be drawn) and we use Rotring inks and pens.

The illustrations can be presented to the client on the drafting film, or as mentioned above can be scanned to produce digital imagery, usually archive quality uncompressed .tiff (tagged image file format) files.

If the client knows the page/publication requirements, illustrations can also be presented as print-ready files.

All illustrations are produced with a graded scale.

See Section 16 for archaeology and heritage

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