Archaeological excavation, otherwise known as strip, map and sample or strip, map and record usually takes place as the result of an imposed Planning Condition by a Local Authority (in line with Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework), or part of Scheduled Monument or Listed Building Consent.
An excavation usually occurs due the the detection of preserved archaeological remains during the evaluation process, or as the result of significant remains being uncovered during a Watching Brief and is used as a mitigation strategy to deal with the archaeological remains present before the development proceeds.
Usually, a mechanical excavator will remove the modern overburden from the investigation area under archaeological supervision. Once the archaeological remains are observed, the remainder will be excavated by hand and recorded.
A scheme will usually also require specialist analysis such as environmental sample analysis, pottery analysis etc. A client will be provided with a list of all specialists utilised by us in this process.
Excavation may also produce the need for publication (again usually a Planning Condition) which Vindomora Solutions Ltd undertake in-
Vindomora Solutions Ltd offer a full excavation and publication service, calling on a number of specialists (where required) to make sure the work is completed as soon as possible to the highest quality in order to inform the planning process.
See Section 16 for archaeology and heritage
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